A3 Newspaper template comprising of a front page, two middle pages and a back page (simply print off the four A4 sheets and stick to an A3 sheet and copy 2:2). The resource is intended to be folded in half to act as a mini-newspaper with various activities.
Front page: space for headline, two written spaces and an image space with 'A picture of the incident' underneath.
First page: music review and film review spaces and a comic strip space.
Second page: horoscopes, blank word search template and advert space.
Back page: sports news section - title, two written spaces and two image spaces.
You may also be interested in this complete and engaging lesson: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/poetic-terms-full-lesson-11184997
Hound of the Baskerville extract analysis/close reading lesson ideal as a one-off lesson or a link to gothic literature.
Lesson includes:
* Title page
* Starter
* Lesson objectives (with surprise face in background, linking to close reading)
* Link to video clip
* Extract prompt (extract included)
* Highlight key words
* PEE grid (resource included)
* Review post-it-note plenary
This lesson is available in a double pack with Dracula for £4.50 here:
All resources included at the back of the Power Point.
For more great resources and full lessons visit my shop page here:
(Credits, images copyright free and scenes from Youtube, copyright free text exact from Sherlock Holmes, Hound of the Baskervilles.)
Visually attractive full lesson on poetic terms using the short poem ‘The Eagle’ by Alfred Lord Tennyson. Ideal for weaker KS3 classes or later KS2.
Full Power Point and all resources included. Lesson features:
• Visually engaging lesson starter and extension.
• Graded lesson outcomes with the main objective being to learn poetic devices to further the understanding of a poem.
• A poetic terms match-up activity featuring seven poetic devices – similes, metaphors, personification, alliteration, vivid colour, the senses and imagery. This can be done on paper or made into a kinaesthetic task. (Resource included at the back of the Power Point.)
• Poetic terms answer page.
• Visual and simple explanation pages of similes, metaphors and alliteration with a short true or false task.
• Link to video clip of a reading of ‘The Eagle’ by Alfred Lord Tennyson.
• Colour coded identification of poetic devices task – students are asked to stick the poem in their books (resource provided) and colour code the given devices.
• Colour coded answer page.
• Short plenary activity where students are prompted to write a brief comment about the poem or offer a more detailed response for more able students.
For more great resources and lessons, see my page here:
(To the best of my knowledge, all images are royalty free.)
Fantastic download of over 100 Powerpoint pages of quizzes and starters. Hours and hours of material for just £2.65!
Also included is a find the word 5 starter pack.
For more great resources see my page here:
A newspaper sports writing lesson – Murray, Portugal, Froome and Hamilton lots to write about!! (There’s even an option for those who don’t like sport.)
Full lesson includes:
• Title page
• What to include page
• Lesson objectives
• Two starter tasks (a quick starter and a pop up starter question)
• What you could write about page
• Six Ws and planning page
• Tips page
• Writing prompt page
• Review slide
Newspaper template and 5 minute planning sheet included!
For more great resources and lessons, visit my page here:
(Credits: Images accredited to The Guardian and The Sun.)
A complete lesson on the film Jaws! Students watch a 10 minute clip of Jaws (choose a dramatic section at the start of the film) and do an extract analysis using the planning and prompt sheets provided.
Power Point includes additional prompts, starter and plenary ideas and lesson objectives.
Resources included are:
* Planning Sheet
* Prompt Sheet
* Additional Images (if required, these can be printed off and placed around the room for immediate impact to go with the starter.)
For great more lessons and resources visit my shop here:
(Copyright free: to the best of my knowledge all images are copy right free.)
Massive English Starter Bundle
This is a huge collection of English starters, suitable for various audiences and occasions, including literacy starters, general English starters, word starters, fun starters and much more.
Suitable for KS2-KS4. Something for everyone!
Download this pack and never worry about starters for the rest of the year!
Visit my shop for more great lessons and resources:
Extract Double Pack for Dracula and The Hound of the Baskervilles.
Individual lessons available here:
Hound of the Baskervilles extract analysis/close reading lesson ideal as a one-off lesson or a link to gothic literature.
Lesson includes:
* Title page
* Starter
* Lesson objectives (with surprise face in background, linking to close reading)
* Link to video clip
* Extract prompt (extract included)
* Highlight key words
* PEE grid (resource included)
* Review post-it-note plenary
All resources included at the back of the Power Point.
For more great resources and full lessons visit my shop page here:
(Credits, images copyright free and scenes from Youtube, copyright free text exact from Sherlock Holmes, Hound of the Baskervilles.)
Dracula extract analysis/close reading lesson ideal as a one-off lesson or a link to gothic literature.
Lesson includes:
* Title page
* Starter
* Lesson objectives
* Link to video clip
* Extract prompt (extract included)
* Find the key word prompt (sheet included)
* Spelling activity (worksheet included)
* Mini writing task
* Plenary post-it-note activity
All resources included at the back of the Power Point.
For more great resources and full lessons visit my shop page here:
(Credits, images copyright free and scenes from Youtube.)
A complete lesson on the film Jaws! Students watch a 10 minute clip of Jaws (choose a dramatic section at the start of the film) and do an extract analysis using the planning and prompt sheets provided.
Power Point includes additional prompts, starter and plenary ideas and lesson objectives.
Resources included are:
* Planning Sheet
* Prompt Sheet
* Additional Images (if required, these can be printed off and placed around the room for immediate impact to go with the starter.)
For great more lessons and resources visit my shop here:
(Copyright free: to the best of my knowledge all images are copy right free.)
A complete lesson on the film Jaws! Students watch a 10 minute clip of Jaws (choose a dramatic section at the start of the film) and do an extract analysis using the planning and prompt sheets provided.
Power Point includes additional prompts, starter and plenary ideas and lesson objectives.
Resources included are:
* Planning Sheet
* Prompt Sheet
* Additional Images (if required, these can be printed off and placed around the room for immediate impact to go with the starter.)
For great more lessons and resources visit my shop here:
(Copyright free: to the best of my knowledge all images are copy right free.)
Paris – Descriptive Writing
A sophisticated descriptive writing lesson based on images from Paris, a video clip of Paris and quotes from Ernest Hemingway’s masterpiece, A Moveable Feast.
Great engaging lesson!
For the New York version of this lesson type see here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/new-york-monologues-descriptive-writing-11309329
For great more lessons and resources visit my shop here:
(Credits: all images copyright free, available from Wikipedia and Socialeconomoy.eu.org, Thestudyaroad.com, Thelocal.fr, Placeinparis.com .)
Jaws Complete Lesson + Roald Dahl Starters
A complete lesson on the film Jaws! Students watch a 10 minute clip of Jaws (choose a dramatic section at the start of the film) and do an extract analysis using the planning and prompt sheets provided.
Power Point includes additional prompts, starter and plenary ideas and lesson objectives.
Resources included are:
* Planning Sheet
* Prompt Sheet
* Additional Images (if required, these can be printed off and placed around the room for immediate impact to go with the starter.)
Also included are 3 Roald Dahl general starters.
For great more lessons and resources visit my shop here:
(Copyright free: to the best of my knowledge all images are copy right free.)
A complete lesson on the film Jaws! Students watch a 10 minute clip of Jaws (choose a dramatic section at the start of the film) and do an extract analysis using the planning and prompt sheets provided.
Power Point includes additional prompts, starter and pleanary ideas and lesson objectives.
Resources included are:
* Planning Sheet
* Prompt Sheet
* Additional Images (if required, these can be printed off and placed around the room for immediate impact to go with the starter.)
For great more lessons and resources visit my shop here:
(Copyright free: to the best of my knowledge all images are copy right free.)
The Time Machine – Creative Writing Lesson.
Highly engaging and visually appealing, creative writing lesson!
Lesson scenario:
When clearing out an old house, under a dust sheet in the attic, you discover some kind of strange machine. There is a chair and lots of odd looking machinery and dials. You sit in the chair out of curiosity and press a few buttons. Suddenly, things start to happen and you are transported in time. Where will you go? What will you do?
Full lesson Power Point and planning sheet included.
*Now available as a four lesson bundle – four great lessons for £6.95!*
Visit my page for more great lessons and resources:
A collection of exciting murder mystery lessons and resources!
See the links for further details.
Visit my shop for more great lessons and resources:
(Credits: cooltext.com)
Zombie Land – Terror at the Fun Fair
Highly engaging, zombie creative writing lesson, in which students work from a given scenario in order to write their own engaging horror story.
The scenario:
It started out as a fun night at the fairground. You and a group of friends letting your hair down and unwinding after a hard week at school.
However, soon it becomes clear that something is not quite right. A cold wind blows a chill into the night and you hear strange noises over the beat of fairground music.
Suddenly, an eerie darkness descends and all goes quiet. Fairground rides come to a standstill and wild groans and screaming can be heard over the chatter of panic.
You and a friend are stuck on the ghost train and desperately trying to find your way outside in the darkness. Outside, it is only then that you realise that the real terror has only just begun.
Welcome to your nightmare…
Highly attractive Power Point includes:
* Full lesson scenario
* Starter task
* Survival objectives
* Planning sheet
* Writing and discussion prompts
* Interactive ‘zombie bingo’ with callers card and 30 individual bingo cards (from myfreebingo.com)
Fantastic lesson!!
For great more lessons and resources visit my shop here:
(Credits: Freeimages.com, Chroniclelive.co.uk.)
Spooky ghost story. Creative writing diary lesson.
The scenario:
You are travelling alone at night when a mysterious fog encircles your car and it suddenly cuts out. With no means to call for help, you take to the road. Through the woods you stumble across an old mansion house. You are about to walk towards the house, when to your horror, you see on the path the words “look behind you” you turn, shaken to you core, and…
Full lesson includes all resources. Starter, lesson objective and a spooky bingo plenary finish with 30 individual bingo cards!
For more great resources and lessons visit my shop here:
(Credits: the images used in this work are COPYRIGHT FREE and can be found here: https://pixabay.com/en/photos/haunting/ https://pixabay.com/en/foggy-pathway-road-fog-landscape-1082224/ )
Spooky ghost story. Creative writing diary lesson.
The scenario:
You are travelling alone at night when a mysterious fog encircles your car and it suddenly cuts out. With no means to call for help, you take to the road. Through the woods you stumble across an old mansion house. You are about to walk towards the house, when to your horror, you see on the path the words “look behind you” you turn, shaken to you core, and…
Full lesson includes all resources. Starter, lesson objective and a spooky bingo plenary finish with 30 individual bingo cards!
For more great resources and lessons visit my shop here:
(Credits: the images used in this work are COPYRIGHT FREE and can be found here: https://pixabay.com/en/photos/haunting/ https://pixabay.com/en/foggy-pathway-road-fog-landscape-1082224/ )
Fantastic collection of resources, featuring:
* The Time Machine Complete Creative Writing lesson.
* Literacy True or False Interactive Game
* 15 General KS3 starters.
See each resource for more details.
Visit my shop for more great lessons and resources:
The Spooky Resource Collection
A collection of inspirational 'spooky' complete lessons and resources.
See the links for further details.
Visit my shop for more great lessons and resources:
(Credits: cooltext.com, copyright free image: https://pixabay.com/en/foggy-mist-forest-trees-spooky-545838/)